
Leading Edge Knowledge. Quick and Effective Service.

While each roofing system is designed and built differently, emergency repair methods can be more effective than others. Our expertise and knowledge of roofing systems give the proper and precise insights needed when identifying where the issue is occurring from with the most suitable, cost-effective solution.Ā 

At times, emergency repairs tend to be faults or failures in the roof membrane of termination, which can be rectified relatively quickly to ensure your investment below doesnā€™t endure further damage. Whether it is a recommendation, scheduled repair, or temporary fix, Austin Roofing America has a solution for you. Contact us today.


Everything below ground level typically needs a waterproof barrier, sealant or protection against the varying water tables and weather elements pooling at ground level.Ā 

Austin Roofing America brings a realm of expertise second to none in terms of waterproofing. From residential foundations to exterior open-cut foundation walls to blindside waterproofing applications to underground parking garages. Established in our years working with fluid-applied waterproofing sealants, this family of sealants and applications have an exceptional adhesion rate when applied directly to any concrete surface.Ā 

A level that sets Austin Roofing America apart is our tunneling waterproofing lining portfolio which consists of holding millions of liters of water and other chemicals to ensure run-off does not occur.Ā 

Contact Austin Roofing America to learn more.


Fluid-applied vapor barriers are leading the way in comparison to roll-out fabric systems when applied directly to any plywood surface. As there are many options available on the market, fully adhered systems are designed to be adhered directly as opposed to a fastened, nailed, or stapled mechanically fastened fabric.Ā 

Austin Roofing America utilizes state-of-the-art technologies with options of being permeable or non-permeable to ensure your building envelope is watertight and breathable, allowing sub trades to begin interior work before the exterior walls are completed.

Contact Austin Roofing America to learn more.Ā 


Agricultural and greenhouse facilities continue to emerge as the demand for vegetable produce is on the rise. From indoor-grown produce to outdoor organics, Austin Roofing America has the waterproofing technologies and certificates most suitable for your development.Ā 

Contact Austin Roofing America to learn more.Ā